Durable - Acoustically Transparent
The zetaflux® product in the Lydech flux product family is a multi-layer composite shield designed for application environments marked by aggressive vibration and noise generation. The composite material is designed to damp the vibration response across a broad band of frequencies which reduces mechanical stress resulting from inertial forces and essentially eliminates parasitic noise generation.
Viscoelastic Layer
Low Temperature (LT)
Tshield < 140 ° C
Laminated Polyethylene
Mid Temperature (MT)
Tshield < 220 ° C
Co-Laminated Acrylic
High Temperature (HT)
Tshield < 350 ° C
Co-Laminated Silicon
Metallic Layers
Aluminum 1050-O or 1100-O depending on the market
Gauges from 0.1 mm to 1.0 mm are possible
2 x 0.3 mm is a common composite and consistently provides desired results
Thermal Performance
Low emissivity surfaces for high infrared radiation environments
High lateral thermal conductivity to spread heat away from hot zones
The viscoelastic layer will provide a small reduction in cold side temperature
High operating temperatures
Acoustical Performance
High transmission loss for better acoustic isolation
Marked vibration damping
Essentially acoustically transparent – no contribution to noise levels
No cooling ping
No impact ring
Mechanical Performance
Improved damping reduces the vibration response and transmissibility of the heat shield resulting in a decreased stress response due to inertial loading
General Performance Characteristics
Resistance to all common automotive fluids
Non-inflammable composite per FMVSS 302
Long-Term high temperature resistance
No delamination
Data Sheet